Monday, October 10, 2011

Final Day

  My final day in the rainforest was well spent. I decided to finish up my studies onthe animals, on this day i observed the food web.i studied as much animals as i could before my plane came and this was my result:
Some animals are the same thing while some animals ate other animals. My final day came to an end, i didnt want to leave but all good thing must come to an end.

Day 4 of 5

   One more day before I leave to head back home. On this day i came across ants on fungi. the fungi gave nutrients for the ants while the ants stayed and protected the fungi. This would but mutualism.

Soon after I saw a small family of monkeys living up in a tall tree, that would be commensalism. Night was about to come so i started to head back to my cabin, i stopped for a drink by the river, but i didnt get water from the river. You never know.

Day 3 of 5

 The third day was very hot, no rain, and barely any breeze. As i was exploring around and observing the plant life i saw a strangler fig wrapped around a tree. The development of the fig had already escalated to a high point, below is a picture.

  Soon the tree will die due to the strangler fig, an example of parasitism. After observing the tree i moved on to study the rest of the plant life. I noticed that the trees are formed in layers, the shrub layer, the under storey, canopy layer, and the emergent layer.


Day 2 of 5

 I had a good night sleep and now im ready to explore the rest of the rainforest. I decided to focus that day on the animals. I made a small pyramid of the animals and trees.  

    The trees are on the bottom because the animals use them as either food or shelter and there are five layers with the trees. Primary consumers consist of small mammals, insects, parrots, monkeys, and bats. Small predators are reptiles, amphibians, insects, bats and birds. Larger predators would be cats like jaguars and snakes.

Day 1 of 5

   I've just arrived at the tropical rainforest in central america. 
The green shaded is the area i was in.

  The first day was tough I started to study the animals as soon as i got there. The air was humid but there was rain. Some birds flew by, and I saw some monkeys hanging off thier tails in the trees. I could hear bugs moving around in the grass and a small snake pass by. It was a 2 hour walk to my cabin, on the way there i was able to see a very large plant.

I later arrived at my cabin and ended my day.